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Update Date: [2021-06-10]

Publication Epidemiology of bovine ephemeral fever virus infection in Taiwan

NO.: 35

AHRI report No.35


Epidemiology of bovine ephemeral fever virus infection in Taiwan


1.Animal Health Research fristitute G:mncil of Agriculture
2.Deortment of Veterinary Epizootiology, CMlege of Agriculture and Veterinary eparbnen Mdicine. Nilion University, Fujisa Kana.gawa 2S2 Jaren
3.Livestcck Disease Control Center of Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Author Y.KLiaol;Y. Jnabu2)’LJ LA 1$DXChain 1S.LL.3flLiou 1

Sick animals with excessive nasal discharges and proinxding tongue as a result of dyspnea were observed in the August of 19%, Eight steams of BEE virus were isolawl horn hep3rinizni Mcxxi samples of the affecJ cattle. Mct of the affected cattle were thffioiltandhdapcxxprognosis. Atotalof5lofarms inthe9districts of Taiwan were affecti in 19%. Among a population of 1 1Q24? dairy cattle, 1 4,93 (13.6%) cattle were found to ire clinically ilL During the epidemic, 1,685(11.3%) affected cattle were culled or died aft the onest of the disease. Furthermore, a strain of Ibaralci virus was isolati from the Mcxxi sample ofa sick cattle that showed pyrexia, labored respiration and solitary kehavior in the affected farm. The cattle with Ibaraki virus infection had typical symptoms of BEE at the early stage of the disease, but ninther stomatitis nor pharyr*goesophageal paralysis was observed at the onest of the disease. The outbreak was presumably brought about by the low level or non-immune status ofa large cattle population duetothe negligence of BEE vaccinatiorb There-fore, the disease easily recurred in Taiwan aft a typhoon episcde in the August of 19%, which resultoi in the proliferation of biting midges in the field. No difference in the antigenicty was found Iretween the news and the previous isolates of BEE virus. As analyaed by crc€s neutralization test, the isolati BEE virus showed no relationship to the Kimkerley and Ber’rimah viruses that were isolated from the blood of cattle and related to BEE virus in Australia. We have tried to advise farmer that they must vaccinate their cattle annually to prevent BEE outbreak in the future.


Bovine ephemeral feverpidemiology-,Ibarald disease.

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