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Update Date: [2020-08-14]

Research Information Technological services and development for animal health

Plan Year: 2004
For extensive use of research results in the field and for upgrading the technical knowledge and ability of veterinary practitioners, purposes of this program were as below: 1. To hold monthly seminars on veterinary sciences and technology; 2. To provide training short courses of veterinary sciences and/or disease diagnostic technology for veterinarians in practice; 3. To give veterinarians or undergraduates laboratory training; 4. To review and to update the content of extension databases of animal health management in the website of this Institute; 5. To compile and to publish an annual research report of the Institute and a technical book about animal diseases; 6. To strengthen the services of the library and to buy the new volumes of veterinary journals, books and databases, and 7. To identify and to set up the core items of technology for veterinarians with the joint effort of veterinary societies and animal industry associations

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