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Update Date: [2021-06-10]

Publication Study On Gill Pathology Changes of Diseased Cultured Fish and Shrimp in Taiwan

NO.: 25

AHRI report No.25


Study On Gill Pathology Changes of Diseased Cultured Fish and Shrimp in Taiwan


1.Taiwan Animal Health Research Institute
2.Livestcck Disease Contol Center of Pintur*g Prefecture 3.National Pingtur*g Institute Of Agriculture

Author S.Y. Chiu 15.H. Lee 1 5.T, Hwang2;Y,H. Yang 1C.C Chang 33.C Sheu

The 205 cases of gill srthmens from diseased fish were studied. GrcGs lesions included discoloration, mnorphologial changes, increase-I raucous secretion, fouling attachment Histopathological examinations showed oIiferation and fusion of lamellar epithelium, hyerplasia of goblet cells at the base of the secondary lamella and inflammation which was characteristic of mononuclear leucxxytes infiltration.

The causes of gill disease were classified into four categories on the histopath ological basis accordingtotheabovegillsimens 1) bacteria2) fungi3) parasite4) nonsrthflc factor. The majimty of cases were parasitic diseases 113(54.85%), followed by fungus diseases 33(16,01%) cases due to non-srthflc factor 32(15.58%) and bacterial diseases 28(4.85%). Amongthegillsthmenof34 diseasedshrimp& the epicornmensal protcocen diseases were dominent.


Gill Pathology Change; morphologial changes flshhrimp

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