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Update Date: [2020-08-14]

Research Information Development of techniques for surveillance and diagnosis of the important zoonosis

Plan Year: 2005

Being a member of WTO and OIE, we have to follow the regulations on the diagnosis and surveillance of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) and rabies. A nation-wide early warning system is urgently needed to prevent the invasion and spreading of TSE and rabies. The epidemiological will be accumulated and used for declaration of free nation. We try to apply an ELISA test, Western immunoblot, histopathology and immunohistochemistry staining to diagnose the brain tissues collected from cattle and goat showing central nervous system signs to detect the presence of abnormal prion protein for TSE suspected cases. We also sapmle cattle brains randomly from the abattoirs, M. tuberculosis-contaminated farms, and illegal slaughterhouse for the surveillance of BSE. In order to investigate the rabies vaccinated prevalence of dogs, we apply an ELISA test to detect the rabies antibody from the serum samples of domestic and stray dogs. Besides, we examined the brain tissues collected from suspected domestic and stray dogs by direct immunofluorescent technique, RT-PCR, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry staining to detect rabies virus antigen. In order to study the pathogenesis, viral distribution, antibody reaction, histopathological change and mechanism of pathogenesis, we apply virology, pathology and serology methods to examine chickens inoculated with H5N2 isolates. 

Previous serological investigation revealed that Taiwan was still free of rinderpest and African swine fever. Continuous nationwide surveillances on cattle, goats and pigs are essential to confirm the free status. Sera for rinderpest and African swine fever antibody detection will be sampled by local disease control centers and submitted to Animal Health Research Institute for detection of antibodies to specific pathogen by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In addition, in order to establish a reliable method to monitor the distribution of bluetongue in the country, comparison of the serological for bluetongue antibody detection was conducted as well. 

For monitoring the Brucellosis in Taiwan, the project was proceeded by examinating serum samples from bovine, canine and human. We'll collect about 500 bovine blood samples from abattoir, 400 canine blood samples from NTU quarantine station and suspected cases of human blood samples from CDC.

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