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Update Date: [2021-06-21]

Publication The Studies on Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae:Ⅱ.Preparation of Monoclonal Antibodies

NO.: 27

AHRI report No.27


The Studies on Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae:Ⅱ.Preparation of Monoclonal Antibodies


Taiwan Animal Health Research Institute

Author Chang, W,M.*;Y.S. WuS.G. Yang,S.Y. Lin

Aft Ieing iminunii with wholle cells of serotye 1 of &tunobasxilus (Haiophilus) pleuroneumoni (PS), the splen cells of Baibt mice were fus& with SPY) meylona cells. There were 12 hyhidoma ken isolaed which seni srei& antibodies against AP when soetl by EiSA and doned by limiting dilution. However, two of thc€e l2hy&idoma (B& and E4d) sotreti more antibodies than others were selsoti for further stwiy. In enzyme frnmunoeboot-ansfer blot (EIE) antibody sad by E4d were found to react with 33k antigens of serotye 1 of AP while antibody s&aei by BEc could rt with 62K, 36K 35K and 34K, resntively. Both anti&*Jies had secrs-sthficity but not serotye-sthficity when esJ by indirect flucescent antibodies lest (WA) and immunestxk1ase method, Abcnit500CFliofserotype 1 of AP whether boilsior not, could bedetti in dot blot assay when reacti with E4d antibody.


Actinobxillus Pleuropneunoniae APFHB; Monoclonal Antibodies

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