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Update Date: [2022-10-06]

Publication Establishment of a Rapid Method in Cell Culture to Isolate Mycobacteria


AHRI report No.36


Establishment of a Rapid Method in Cell Culture to Isolate Mycobacteria


National Institute for Animal Health, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Author Lin, King-Fu*, J. F. Su, Y. S. Wu, W. M. Chang and J. R. Chiau 

A total of 391 isolates of mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) and 10 isolates of mycobacterium avium complex (M. avium complex) were obtained from 631 head of cattle, 175 deer and 88 goats with positive reactions by PPD (purified protein derivative) skin test. The Marc-145 cell line was used to culture mycobacteria. After 9 time passages(9-P) in Marc-145 cells, the YL strain of M. bovis was inoculated in slants for the acid-fast microorganism count. These results showed that the 9-P M. bovis-YL strain proliferated well in Marc-145 cells. This method would improve the culture procedure of mycobacteria. 


mycobacterium bovis, mycobacterium avium complex 


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