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Update Date: [2022-09-29]

Publication Development of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for Detecting Eperythrozoon suis Antibody in Swine.


AHRI report No.27


Development of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for Detecting Eperythrozoon suis Antibody in Swine.


1.     Taiwan Provincial Research Institute for Animal Health The Branch Institute of Animal Drugs Inspect10n Tansu1, taiwan, R.O.C.
2.     Animal Industry Research Institute. T.S.C. 
3.     Dept. Veterinary Medicime. National Taiwan University.

Author M.C. Liu 1, J.F. Su 1, P.P. Liu1, Frank S. Hsu 2, Y .S. Shien 3

The heavily parasitised red blood cell was collected from splenectomized piglet inoculated with  -suis at the peak of parasitaemia. The ELISA IHA and IFA test antigens were prepared and their optinum test system were established. 
ELISA test was a appropriate screening method for large scale testings. 


EiSA; Enzyme-Linked ImmuncGorkent Assay ; Paseurella multocida


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