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Update Date: [2022-10-06]

Publication Development the method of isolation of mycobacteria in tissue culture


AHRI report No.35


Development the method of isolation of mycobacteria in tissue culture


National Institute for Animal Health, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Author Lin﹐King-Fu﹐C﹒C﹒Yung﹐ N﹒Y﹒Le﹐J﹒R hiau﹐ Y﹒S﹒Wu﹐Wei-Ming Chang﹐S﹒C﹒Chen﹐J﹒F﹒SU

In order to develop a isolation method of mycobacteria by tissue cultures, the isolation strain of mycobacterium bovis-M.bovis YL strain was inoculated in the tissue cultures of swine alveolar macrophages (SAM),Marc-145 and OCC, respectively.The results revealed that the M. bovis-YL strain was found growth well in the above mention tissue cultures at 3 day after inoculation.
   The specimens collecting from the positive reaction cattle by PPD(Purified protein derivative) inoculating in slants (Lowenstein-Jensen medium,L-J M) and Marc-145 cell line , respectively, for isolating the M.bovis .The results of the above test revealed that the M. bovis was isolated at 7 to 14 days after inoculating in Marc-145 cell lines﹐and isolated at 4 to 15 weeks after culturing in slants.Both methods of isolating rate were as same as 43.46%(33/76).


Mycobacterium bovis, M. bovis. Swine alveolar macrophages, SAM.  Slant medium(Lowenstein-Jensen medium,L-J M).


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