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Update Date: [2022-09-20]

Publication Studies on Somatocell Count and Bacterial Culture in Bulk Milk


AHRI report No.12


Studies on Somatocell Count and Bacterial Culture in Bulk Milk

Department 1.Taiwan Provincial Research Institute for Animal Health
2.Tauyuan District Diagnostic Laboratory for Animal Disease
Author Chiu Tsau-chi ; Chen Shou-shi; Fu Tsu-Jon ; Chen Gan-Pen, Yang Chin-Hsian, Shieh Hsin-Tsi 

Out of 700 bulk milk samples collected from Tau-Yuen dairy area were studied by somatocell count and bacterial culture. The results indicated that the average of cell count was 155,000/ ml with range between 0-2,260,000/ml. 94% of the samples had cell count below 300,000/ml. The cell count below 500,000/ml covered 99% of the total samples. It showed small variation in cell count among the samples studied. The fluctu­ation of the cell count among months was influenced by the morbidity of subclinical mastitis of the herd. CMT can be served as practical method for detecting abnormal cell count in the field. Both staphylococcus aureus and other Streptococci were isolated from 14% of the Samples. Streptococcus agalactiae was only in 0.28%. Somatocell count accompany with bacterial culture of bulk milk seems to be practical method for control­ling the milk quality and mammary health of cows 


Somawyil Count; Bulk Milk; Bacterial Culture


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