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Update Date: [2022-09-30]

Publication Polymerase Chain Reaction for Diagnosis of Hog Cholera Carriers

NO.: 31

AHRI report No.31


Polymerase Chain Reaction for Diagnosis of Hog Cholera Carriers


Taiwan Animal Hesith Research Institute

Author UnY,P,4NJ. Li;Y.L Lin;K.F. Lin;T.S. Hung;Y.H. Yang

The serum samples o’f sows and young pigs were collecel from the areas of Pintung Koashiung, Tainan and Changhuan, that farms had HC cxxurrei more then one year ago. The highest titr against HC was 1: 1024 in Pintung. Next year, a ttle of 138 sea-urn samples were cxllazted from low tot sows and esi the HC tiers again, The result were still low. It’s ranging were ketween 1 :2—i :64, the average rangmgwas 1:8. To survey the invasion of chronic or clinically healthy carriers or subclinical hog cholera infection, a totle of 143 samples west collecI from? highest and 6 lowest tier sows. The tst]ngs include (1) polymerase chain reaction (2) incculaeJ SlY or CPK cells (3) FA ci, The result suggest that no HCV could by clett To survey the invasion of Hog Cholera Carriers, a tode of 138 swab samples were colleced from low titr of sows. The tstngs include (1) polyrnerase chain xenon (2) incculat STY or CPKce]ls(3)FAct.ThexesultsuztthatnoHCVwuldkdettiNexi,atotle of 1440 swab samples were colbzti from pigs and sows ofA farm for every month. The result suggest that no HCV could ke &ezti to. For the HC tins, the serum samples of 720 sews west esel by END methcd. It’s ranging were letween 1:8—i :3 84, the average ranging wasi :32. The swab samples collecel from the farm that cccuried HC aft one mouth. there ocild be deeied the HCV from pigs that tier below 8X. 


Polyrrtrase Chain Reaction-,Heg cholera carriers.

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