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Update Date: [2022-10-06]

Publication Review : The Roles of Epidermal Langerhans Cells in Viral Infections


AHRI report No.36


Review : The Roles of Epidermal Langerhans Cells in Viral Infections


Animal Health Research hsthute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Author Lee Shu-Hwae and Ming-Hwa Jong

Langerhans cells (LQ axe thought to function as antigen-pesenting cells in the epidermis. Inthestfewyears, theroles of LCinthemechanisms of various viral infDtions, such as vaxxinia virus, human papilloma virus, herpes simplex virus, fcx*and-mouth disease virus, human xetitvims and human arbovirus (such as West Nile and Semlild Forest virus), have keen widely studied, The effect of various ftors on the activity and density of LC has kei investiga to. New statgies to inhibit virus infection or to erudicate lant infection will hopefully ke developed by following in the kx3tion, biological properties and functions of LC. We also reviewed research ar&Ies concerning the role of LC in viral infections. We hope this review will govide useful information for research planning.


Langerhans cells, vaccinia virus, papilloma virus, West Nile virus, Semliki Forest virus


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