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Update Date: [2022-09-28]

Publication The parasites identification of exotic horses in Taiwan


AHRI report No.26


The parasites identification of exotic horses in Taiwan


1.     Taiwan Provincial Research Institute for Animal Health.
2.     National Taipei College of Nursing.

Author Andrew C.Y. Fei1, Y.S. Lu 1, Y.H. Yang1, S.H. Lee1, S.J. Liaw1, S.Y. Chiu, P.H. Mar2

Eight horses of unknown sources were necropsied in Taiwan Provincial Research Institute for Animal Health in May, 1989. Four important parasites were found; they were Ascaris equorus, Strongylus equi, Oxyuris equi. and the third larvae of Gastroph-ilus intestinalis. Based on the retrospective study in the past 65 years, the life cycle of Gastrophilus intestinalis can not to be accomplished in Taiwan. Consequently. these horses Were considered as exotic. 


parasites identification; exotic horses ; Gastrophilus intestinalis


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