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Update Date: [2021-06-10]

Publication Laboratory Accreditation of Chemical drug Assay Department, The Branch Institute of Animal drug Inspection National Institute for Animal Health

NO.: 35

AHRI report No.35


Laboratory Accreditation of Chemical drug Assay


1.The Branch Institute of Animal Drugs InsreDtion, National Institute for Animal Department Health
2.Animal Health Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

Author LiuM,C*hM.Y Kto 1;K.M Liii 1PS Gong 1;Y.F. SItu 1;YFLiu2S.LCIa 2S.CYang1S,YLun2

Chemical drug assay department. The Branch Institute of Animal Drug InsreDtion National Institute for Animal Healthy Laboratory Acaeriitation was Itginning in 1988. From colltion data and then by the helpa of Fxd Industry Research and Development Institute, We set up the minimum software that require in The Chinese National Laboratory Acaditation:Quality manual of our laboratory, SOP for Calibration and Oreration of our apipmen SOP for test, Standard test and laboratory rord from, A&r used it to our laboratory really and took internal and external andit then followed with imitative comment by Ekxxl Industry Research and Development Institute. We apply the accxeriitative comment to CNLA. Now the application have bren asxeptel have keen aczepted and just waithrg for final comment on Nov. 18th 1999.


Chinese National Laboratory AccrerlitationChemical Drug Assay Department; 
The Branch Institute of Animal Drug Insreetion.

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