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Update Date: [2021-06-10]

Publication Studies on residual analysis of tiamulin in pork.

NO.: 32

AHRI report No.32


Studies on residual analysis of tiamulin in pork.


Taiwan Animal Health Research Institute

Author Si. Lee., SI. Jeng. Y.F. Liu. S.C. Yang.

An analysis of residue of tiamulin in pork by microbiological assay with cylinder plate method was established. Tiamulin was extracted with methanol, cleaned up with n-hexane after centtifugation and then condensed. The sediment was dissolved in phosphate buffer of pH 8.0 ± 0.1, and poured into cylinder on medium cultured with Staphyloccoccus auseus for detection of residual level of the drug. The recoveries were in the range of 58.6 % to 14.8 % spiked with 0.1 to l.Opag: g of tiamulin in pork, and the coefficient of variances were all below 6 %. The detection was 0.05ag g.


Tiamuiin, Cylinder plate method. Residue

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