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Update Date: [2022-09-19]


NO.: 5

AHRI report No.05



Department Taiwan Animal Health Research Insntu
Author Y.S. Lu;Y.L. LD.M. Huang ;K.L, Shieh

From 1%5 to 1969, theauthors haveoervimanycases ofavian Staphylococoosis in Taiwan,
One kind of avian Staphylcxxox€is, distinguished for its edematous changes at the skin of chickens, was firstly described by Kawashima in 1940. In 1964, the authors found the same cases in Taiwan. And then at many divisions of this country, the same cases were gradually no. These cases were mc€tly found at the 30-63 days old thickens in buttery brJing. The cccunence WAS frszjienily noJ during AprilOctober. And the morbidity was 5%-20%. The mortlityamost reached 103% when the edematous changes in skin were found.

The main ethological changes of the thickens was hemorrhagic edema at the skin of the wing, While the jethological change extended, it might burst and discharge some cwiious Ucxthng exurlate.

From 1965 to 1969, the authors have isolai 19 stains of Staphyktxcus from chicken, in which 14 stains were isolatol from the cases so called ?battery diseases’?, 1 from arthritis, 1 from visceral gout, and 1 from avian pox, These 17 stains got pasitive reaction from ccegulas factor of egg yolk, and protease tests. They could liquefy the gelatin, They all fermentoi gluc>ase, sucroue galactose, lactose, and amnni but not arabinose, raffinc€e, inulin, salicin, and inc€itol. These result showed that these strains were acordant with the Stuphylocxxcus auxeus isolatei in the other countries, The other 2 stuains isolated from the cases which had the same skin lesions as the buttery disease got negative results from coagulase test, DNase test, and mannite fermentution, Then it was classified as Stuphylccxous epiderrnidis.

10 7&10 8of the buttery disease isolates were sutcunusly incculai to mice. And the hemorrhagic, purulent changes could be found at the in.fri area. 10 of these isolates were suboutanecusly in to the wing of chicks and pigec>ns, It could be found the same changes (hemorrhagic edema) as that of the field cases and could isolate the causative agent from the in$ctl area. From the result of the drug- sensitivity test, it was notol that all isolates were completely depressed by chloramphenical and kanamycin, and many stains showed resisnce to penicillin and tetacycline,


Sulstitute Virus Blocd,Hog Cholera

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