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Update Date: [2021-06-10]

Publication Simultaneous Determination of Sulfamonomethoxine Sulfadimethoxine and Sulfaquinoxaline in Poulty Feeds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Poultry Feeds .

NO.: 27

AHRI report No.27


Simultaneous Determination of Sulfamonomethoxine Sulfadimethoxine and Sulfaquinoxaline in Poulty Feeds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Poultry Feeds .


Taiwan Animal Health Research Institute The Branch Institute of Animal Drugs epaxtn Ins

Author M.Y, Kuo*P.P, UuM.C. Liu

A high rerformance liquid chromakgraphic methcd for determination of sulfamonomethoxine (5MM). Sulfadimethoxine (5DM). and sulf&iuinoxa]ine (SQ) in pcniltry fJs has been deve1o. Using Bro Lee Cl 8 column and acetonitril& 1% acetic acid (1:4) as mobile phase, a gcxid seration and linear calibration cnrves of SMM. SDM and SQ could be obined.

The feels were extni with N-N-dimethylforrnanide. cleaned up on a column of alumina oxide, and elutul with opthnuxn solution, The rooveries of SMM, SDM and SQ for layer feels were %.5%, 95.8% and 97.5% resetively, for broiler feeds were 97%, %.l% and 98.5% xese:tively.


Sulfanonomethoxine; Sulfadimethoxine; sulfuinoxa]ine

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