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Update Date: [2021-06-10]

Publication Infectious Bill Atrophy Syndrome Caused by Parvovirus in a Co-outbreak with Duck Viral Hepatitis in Ducklings in Taiwan

NO.: 29

AHRI report No.29


Infectious Bill Atrophy Syndrome Caused by Parvovirus in a Co-outbreak with Duck Viral Hepatitis in Ducklings in Taiwan


Taiwan Animal Health Research Institute

Author Y.S. Lu*flF, Lin;Y,L. Lee;Y,K. Liao$.J. Tsai

In October 1989, an e &ducklingdisease with h ghmortaiitycccurrermin Taiwan, The disease was characterized by dicopiness, inappetence, ataxia, ruffled feathers, and watery diarrhea. Affected ducidings were brue, were unable to stand, showed opisthoos, and oftn died 3 or 4 days afr the onset of the disease. Tolerant maturing ducklings displayed atrophic upper bills with a protniding tongit and keaxne stunI as they reached maturity. No diajostic histothologic lesions were found in these ducklings. Fourten rvovirus isolates, 33 duck viral hepatils virus (DVHV)
isolates, two adenovirus isola, and two reovirus isolats were obtained and identified from more than 503 sick ducldings in the epio&, The epizxvtic was diagncGed as a co-outbreak of duck rvovirus infections and duck viral hepatitis. The high mortality in ducklings and the bill atrophy syndrome were reproduced in ducklings by inoculating the parvovirus isolates alone. The epiaotic was controlled by an emergency immunization program of ducklings with sea collected from recovered ducks or a bivalent inactivated vaccine compasel of DVHV and rervovirus iso1a.


Bill Atrophy Syndrome; epizootic duckling disease; DVHV

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