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Update Date: [2021-06-10]

Publication Surveillance and monitoring on transmissible spongiform encephalopathy and rabies in Taiwan in 2005

NO.: 41

AHRI report No.41


Surveillance and monitoring on transmissible spongiform encephalopathy and rabies in Taiwan in 2005

Department Animal Health Raearch InstiPit Cojncil of Agthiltuxe, Execunve Yuan
Author Shu-Hwae LEE, Kuo-Hui CHANG, Kwok-Ron.g TSAJ, Jen-Chieli CHANG, Cit Tun HUNG

In our la}xntiy, the methods of histocethology, immundustodtmnisty, Westrn immunobk* assay, and enzyme-linked imnmunc€o&ent assay ahnkpies have hen arcAiei for the contuous surveillance of USE. For this surveillance, we oDilecti a total of 571 hams spo±nens randomly, age of o’ 24-month-old cattle from the a}ettoirs, M.n lcGis-contamina farms, and from the culling old cattie in Taiwan in D5. On the catt farm, cattle with central rcvOus signs or other symptiris Were indudel. Additionally, 21 hains speimen from cullied old get were examined for TSE. Allthesparens werenegatit Therult tfrstatus ofTSEin Taiwan. USE and TSE askie, we also monitcxmi rabies in 2005 A total of 2,772 sea samples including 1,3(4 samples from domest dogs aix! 1,451 samples from stray dogs were examined for rabies by the rrtthcd of enzyrrtlinlcerl immnunceorknt assay. The results show that the sero-pitive rat of dctnestc and stray dogs were 3’7.1 % (745/1,301) and 26.6% (386/1,451), eztively. The data indicat that even though the v&xine against rabies is readily available, it is nc4 popular as desired. Beskles thcce alinicpies CIesCth& ab rrehcds of htoethok>gical oltervan, direct iminunofluorescent anti&dy and immunohistxhemistry were also appli to dew ab antigens aid typical lesions. AtotalofilS hainsjnzimens inclwiing23 smuggled dogs, 92 stray dogs, and otters were examined. All the srthmens were negative indicating fr status of rabies in Taiwan.


transmissible spongiform er plothy Rabies ; Surveillance

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