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Update Date: [2022-09-20]

Publication Study on Avian Inclusion Body Hepatitis in Taiwan


AHRI report No.13


Studies on Avian Inclusion Body Hepatitis in Taiwan

Department Taiwan Provincial Research Institute for Animal Health 
Author Yong-Siu Lu 

The large scale chicken raising farms in Taiwan, have been sporadic observed with an acute infectious fatal liver disease since February, 1976. The affected chickens died suddenly. The Cowdry' type A and Scott' full intranuclear inclusion body could be observed from the affected liver. 

The virus has been successfully isolated from the affected liver by the inoculation of chicken kidney cell culture and the yolk sac of 6-7 day-old chicken embryo. 
The biochemical properties of isolated virus are : The production of characteristic cyto-pathic effect (rounding of cells) and the plaque formation in the CK cell culture after 7-9 days of inoculation. Positive pathogenicity to the infected chicken embryos with the lesion of hemorrhage, edema, dwarfing and hepatic necrosis. and production of pock on the chorioallantoic membrance. No hemagglutination of red blood cells of various species. 

The biophysical properties of the virus are resistant to 20% ethyl ether, 0.1 % sodium desoxycholate, 0.25% trypsin, pH 3.0 and I M/MgCI, heating for 1 hour. The virus can pass through 100 nm Millipore filter but not 50 nm filter. The virus is DNA virus (tre-atment of 50 µg/ml !UDR) 
The isolated viruses are pathogenic to young chicken ( 4 day-old) .

From the above results, it was suggested that the Inclurion Body Hepatitis (IBH) caused by Adero-virus was similar to that the first report of this disease by Hemboldt and Frazier. 


Avian Inclusion; Hepatitis biochemical properties


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