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Update Date: [2021-06-21]

Publication Investigation on the monensin residues in the meat and egg of fed on the monensin feed.

NO.: 25

AHRI report No.25


Investigation on the monensin residues in the meat and egg of fed on the monensin feed.


Taiwan Animal Health Research bsti

Author Lee S.3.*;Y.H. YangS.Y. Chin

Layer hens and broilers were felon 120 ppm monensin-conining feel for 2 months and then this drug was withdrown. Eggs, muscles, livers and giards were collected for assay every day for a rericd of 10 days after withdrawing dngs. The tissues were disolvei in methanol, extracted with carton achloride and dried. The samples were re-disolverl in n-Hexane followed by ssing through the silLca gel column. The elueanis were concentrated and applied on thin layer chromatography plates, and then assayed using biceutogxaphy methcd. The resulis indicated that 25% (4/1 of eggs with 25 ppb of men incould If detected at 24 hours after stoprel giving the drugs. However, monensin in the other tissnes could not If deezted at the levelof 25 ppborless. Therecoveryrates of thedrugineggs, meat, livers, and gizzards were 62%, 68.8%, 68.9% and 68.8% reseDtivelly.


monensin ;bioautography methcd gg

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