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Seminar 887

Date:2018-08-15 Update:2018-12-26

Analysis of avian influenza outbreaks between January 2017 to June 2018

Yu-Ju Lin


A novel H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) of clade has caused outbreaks in Taiwan since January 2014. Taiwan has been the only country where Buan-like (A) H5N2 avian influenza virus can be detected. There are 1004 confirmed cases of novel H5 HPAI in 2015 and the geese are the major impacted population. The number of HPAI cases decreased to 37 cases in 2016, but it increased to182 cases in 2017 and has been 77 cases in 2018. The HPAI positive cases officially reported can be divided into four types: actively notified, farms detected within 1 to 3 km radius (surveillance zone) of the HPAI previously infected farm, farms detected through active surveillance before going to slaughter house, and farms traced back. Of the cases, only 59% of them were actively notified, implying that a considerable number of infected farms may not be notified. Moreover, 72% of actively notified farms reared native chicken, and 92% of infected farms discovered through active surveillance were duck farms. Compared to the cases of last year, more waterfowl cases within surveillance zone were identified, and what this phenomenon indicates should be watched carefully.



Establishment and experience sharing of the national inspection laboratory management system for animal biologics

Shiu-Ru Yeh


The efficacy and safety assays for animal biologics is based on Article 18 of Animal Drug Administration Law, which is a batch-by-batch inspection system. All animal vaccines in market need to be inspected to protect animal industry. Department of Biologics Assay and Research (DBAR) of Animal Drug Inspection Branch is the only national organization with complete laboratory and animal facilities for inspecting animal vaccines. More than 1,000 batches/year of animal vaccines have been inspected. In order to improve the inspection quality, DBAR has implemented ISO 17025 quality management system since 2004. It is a great benefit to implemented the ISO 17025 system for both the laboratory quality management and testing technical systems. The animal house management was also gradually incorporated into the ISO17025 system, and was upgraded to meet the requirement of international standards. However, the introduction of the system is not within reach, and the animal vaccine testing program is complicated. How to introduce a quality system into the testing laboratory will be shared to follows. 1. The main body of animal vaccine testing is the staff. Because the load of inspection work is huge and depends on teamwork to complete, it is very important to maintain a good communication between personnel. 2. The change of laboratory personnel often causes technical faults. The implementation of a substitute system and technical check is the focus of laboratory technology inheritance. 3. Platform based operations are more efficient than personnel based operations. 4. Get one first and chase better quality after then. 5. The maintenance of inspection quality depends on the strong support of the supervisor.

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